VPO Board Meeting Minutes October 14, 2020
Meeting Minutes
Harbor Ridge Middle School VPO
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Called to Order 6:00PM
Meeting called to order by Sarah Banks. Minutes recorded by Amie Tucker.
Sarah Banks, Tiffany Brush, Amie Tucker, Deonne Stults and Jennifer Price-Paul.
Current Business
Executive Board Elected. Positions listed below.
President-Sarah Banks
Co-President- Deonne Stults
Vice President- Malissa Hutchings
Treasurer- Jennifer Price-Paul
Secretary- Amie Tucker
Sarah Banks and Tiffany Brush to be removed from HRMS VPO bank account and Deonne Stults and Jennifer Price-Paul to be added.
2020/2021 Budget was reviewed and moved to approve by Sarah Banks and seconded by Tiffany Brush. Budget Approved.
Fall fundraising discussed. Sarah Banks to look into catalog fundraisers. Deonne Stults recommended selling masks with HRMS logo. Per Tiffany and Sarah, wreath sales did not bring in enough revenue last year.
Staff Appreciation/National Principals Month-VPO purchased a new Keurig for staff room and will collect donated snacks to stock staff room. Set up will be 10/23 and ready for conference week beginning 10/26. To honor our principals, VPO will decorate and surprise Mr. Wickens and Mr. Benoit with gift baskets and coffee with a $100 budget.
The following committees still have vacancies to be filled:
Emergency Preparedness Kits- ASAP
Staff Appreciation Week
8th Grade Moving on Ceremony
Stock the Staff Room Drop Off 10/21 from 2:00-4:00PM! Next General Meeting December 2, 2020 at 7:00PM via Zoom. Please join us!